Posted on February 13, 2022 by Friday
Warmth and humor, sharp-eyed commentary, stories you’ll remember
With guitar, harmonicas, and passionate perceptive words, John makes you laugh, makes you feel, makes you care. Expect a blend of warmth and humor, sharp-eyed commentary, brilliant performance, and a wide-open heart. John is known for his powerful music and tireless efforts on behalf of the lost, shackled and scarred. John Flynn singing Circle of Love: Love Freedom Justice Mercy Love
Tickets are $17 in advance, $10 for students and active Military with ID, and $20 at the door (as available). Get your tickets early on EventBrite, or Venmo, or reserve a seat by calling All Souls at 860-443-0316 by March 17.
Keeping us all Covid safe: Masks and proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test within 72 hours are required. Seating capacity is limited. Sadly, our famous refreshments will not be available.
In 2005 Flynn began facilitating an inmate support group at Delaware’s maximum security penitentiary, then took on other prisons. In 2013 he began running groups for those who had been released. These groups provided community and support for ex-offenders and have helped fight recidivism. In 2017, Flynn founded New Beginnings – Next Step, a non-profit dedicated to helping incarcerated and returning citizens successfully transition to freedom, and that work has become the largest part of John’s multi-activity work life.
Deana McCloud of the Woody Guthrie Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma, writes, “John Flynn is the real deal. His work follows in the footsteps of Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Kris Kristofferson, and other social justice troubadours as he speaks the truth and gives a voice to society’s disenfranchised. His work fills your heart and opens your eyes.”

Upcoming Concerts
April 22: Ash & Eric of Worcester, MA, have found beauty in the gritty heart of the Industrial Revolution , where they write and sing in harmony. Listen to their music! Brother, Autumn Hymn–their latest! Tickets on EventBrite or reserve your spot at the $17 advance price by calling All Souls at 860-443-0316.
May 20: Charlie King musical storyteller and political satirist Still Right Here